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Skin & Laser Co. wants you to be the best version of yourself. And you can be. We achieve this through providing personalised, superior aesthetic services using state-of-the-art technology – safely and with the utmost skill. From laser treatment, tattoo removal and pigmentation treatments, to laser hair removal, skin rejuvenation and anti-aging solutions – we have a true passion for helping people reach their beauty and wellness goals.

Our unwavering commitment to every client that walks through our doors is evident in the visible results. Healthy, beautiful skin doesn’t happen overnight – it’s a journey, and we walk the path with you, every step of the way.

Products we stock

For skin that looks professional, see a professional

Our Process

We’re all about educating our clients on all procedures – we want you to know why, what and how our treatments work, and instil confidence in each, personalised treatment path you choose. One crucial part of any treatment is knowing what to expect ahead of time.
What will happen before and during treatment:
Upon arrival the following procedure will be followed to ensure best results


All make-up will be removed and the skin will be prepared for your treatment. One of the most important steps of your treatment


Pictures of the treatment area will be taken to document your journey with us. Get ready to enjoy seeing your results.


Hair removal treatments require shaving the area prior to your appointment. A shaving fee of R100 will apply if area is not shaved


The treatment area will be marked with a red pen, or white wax pencil.


Appropriate eye protection will be provided.

Prices & Services

Face: Fotona StarwalkerR1 700
Face: Fotona Timewalker 4DR4 200
Neck: Fotona StarwalkerR950
Neck: Fotona Timewalker 4DR2 000
Chest: Fotona StarwalkerR1 200
Chest: Fotona Timewalker 4DR2 500
Face, Neck and Chest: Fotona StarwalkerR3 500
Face, Neck and Chest: Fotona Timewalker 4DR7 500

For optimum results we recommend 6-8 treatments every 4-8 weeks apart + maintenance)

Full FaceR980
Cheeks / ForeheadR390
Lip / ChinR350
Upper LipR260
½ Arm (Both)R950
Full Arm (Both)R1 500
Belly Button PathR280
Bikini SidesR520
Full BikiniR980
Half Leg & Knee (Both)R1 950
Full Leg (Both)R2 900
Beard and NeckR950

Laser Hair Removal Packages

Buy 3 Treatments15% Discount
Buy 6 Treatments20% Discount
Buy 10 Treatments25% Discount

Essential Deep Cleanse/Purify (Lamelle)R550
Essential Hydration (Lamelle)R570
Essential Age Prevention (Lamelle)R600

Lose weight now and lead a healthier lifestyle!

A healthy body weight is an essential part of living a healthy life. Slender Wonder is a tried and trusted medical weight loss programme that has been helping South Africans lose weight for over a decade. We aim to support you by achieving a level of balance that leads you to become a holistically healthy individual. Instead of simply focusing on the symptoms of obesity we focus on the causes.

Slender Wonder Starter PackR4 100

Non-Surgical FaceliftR2 900
Non-Surgical Facelift & NeckR4 200
Non-Surgical Facelift, Neck & ChestR5 250
Neck Or ChestR1 500
Lip Rejuvenation R1 500
Non-Surgical EyeliftR2 000
Brow LiftR2 500
Skin ResurfacingR2 000
Skin TighteningR2 000


Full FaceR1 230
Face and NeckR1 350
Face, Neck and ChestR1 550
Scar Removal and Stretch Mark Removal
(Scar- and Stretch Mark Removal price to be confirmed once Consultation was done)

Full ForeheadR1,500
Frown LinesR550
Eyelids (Top)R550
Eyelids (Bottom)R550
Crows FeetR550
Eyes (top, bottom, crow’s feet)R1,500
Full FaceR5,000
Skin Tag (per tag)R350
Mid FaceTightening (Incl Jowls)R3,000
Top LipR500
Bottom LipR500
Top + Bottom LipR1,000
Top Lip Bottom Lip and ChinR1,500
Nasolabial Folds (Both)R550

For optimum results we recommend 6-8 treatments every 4-8 weeks apart + maintenance)

Beard and NeckR950
Full Arm (Both)R1 500
Half Arm (Both)R950
Full BackR3 150
ChestR1 800
Half Leg & Knee (Both)R1 950
Full Leg (Both)R2 900
Belly Button PathR280

Laser Hair Removal Packages:

Buy 3 Treatments15% Discount
Buy 6 Treatments20% Discount
Buy 10 Treatments25% Discount

ME LINE is an innovative professional peel (and mask) with specially chosen chemical agents which work together to control pigmentation, decrease melanin production, improve sun damage, and even out the tone and colour of the skin. It also stimulates the growth of new skin cells to rejuvenate your complexion. ME LINE has achieved excellent results in 95% of cases of facial and body hyperpigmentation and is suitable for Caucasian and ethnic skin types. The process is referred to as ‘controlled chemical dermabrasion’ 

Fotona Fraxel and Meline ID ComboR2 350
Meline Chemical PeelR2 500
(Home Care Compulsory)


Gentle FoamR654
Restore CreamR821
MoistR1 029
Day CreamR1 788
Night CreamR1 788
Pigmentation MaskR 1 571
Full Home Care KitR 7 742

(Somatologist will recommend the correct home care)


Clarify Peel 15%R600
Clarify Peel 30%R600
Rejuvenize Peel 25%R600
Rejuvenize Peel 35%R600
Rejuvenize Peel 50%R600
Illuminize PeelR600
Dermalize PeelR700
Tri-Active Retinol PeelR950


When doing Lamelle chemical peels or chemical resurfacing, the aim in the long term is to restructure the entire epidermis of the skin. Doing this in one treatment with any other product can be painful and result in up to 14 days of social downtime. Retinol-based Lamelle Retistore and Retistore Plus gives us full epidermal restructuring with virtually NO discomfort and a very comfortable period of downtime that is more socially acceptable.

Lacti-firm 30/10 (Lamelle Anti-Aging)R550
Lacti-firm 90/10 (Lamelle Anti-Aging)R655
Rejuvenize Peel 25%Alpha Peel 20 (Lamelle Anti-Aging)R550
Alpha Peel 30  (Lamelle Anti-Aging)R620
Retistore (Lamelle Anti-Aging)R1 050
Retistore Plus (Lamelle Anti-Aging)R1 250
Beta Peel 15% 2 layers (Lamelle Pigmentation/Acne)R690
Beta Peel 20% 2 layers (Lamelle Pigmentation/Acne)R700
Beta Peel 30% 2 layers (Lamelle Pigmentation/Acne)R850
Augmented Beta Peel 20% with 10% TCA (Hand Pigmentation)R1 120
Augmented Beta Peel 20% with 15% TCA (Hand Pigmentation)R1 365
Beta Peel 15% 2 layers (Hand & Forearm)R1 210
Beta Peel 20% 2 layers (Hand & Forearm)R1 400
Beta Peel 30% 2 layers (Hand & Forearm)R1 750
Augmented Beta Peel 20% with 10% TCA (Hand & Forearm)R1 840
Augmented Beta Peel 20% with 10% TCA (Hand & Forearm)R2 230


Growth factor mask – R 160

This cooling mask helps with intensive cellular stimulation and regeneration as well as improves hydration and soothing after intensive treatments

Skin Retinol 0.3 Serum – R330

This is a 3% retinoic acid ester serum purposed for age prevention. Suitable for all early ageing skins including dry and sensitive skin

Free Janus Face Analysis

(For optimum results we recommend 4-6 treatments every 4-6 weeks apart + maintenance)  

Skin Rejuvenation FaceR1 700
Skin Rejuvenation Face and NeckR2 000
Skin Rejuvenation Face, Neck and ChestR3 500
Hands RejuvenationR850
Half BackR3 300
Pigmentation (Melasma)R850
Redness, Veins and Active AcneR850
Pigmented Lesions/Moles/Warts/Skin TagsR350-R450
Solar Spots (x2)R350
Pore ReductionR550
Nail Fungus (Per Nail)R80
Acne FaceR1 700
Stretch Marks (Price will be determined during Free Consultation)

(For optimum results we recommend 6-10 treatments every 4-8 weeks apart)

11-20cmR1 200
21-30cmR1 700
31-40cmR2 200
41-50cmR3 100
51-60cmR3 300
Brow RemovalR550
Full FaceR150
Face and NeckR200
Face, Neck and ChestR250


You deserve to look as good as you feel.


Our team of highly-skilled, friendly and professional therapists are here for you. From the moment you submit a booking, to when you enter the branch, and leave after your treatment – we want your experience with us to be exceptional.

Booking Form

Get in touch with us.

For any questions, enquiries or bookings, please make contact – we’re ready to help.
Stellenbosch Bookings

Let us know when you would prefer to book and we’ll get right back to you

    *Please note that a non refundable booking fee of R250 is required to secure your booking, which is deducted from your treatment fee

    February Valentines Specials!

    Because you deserve the best, we reward you with monthly offers and discounts on our variety of treatments.

    Claim your discount this month on any of our selected treatments below:

    10 % Off on all Heliocare Products

    Book a Fotona Skin Rejuvenation Face and   receive neck for free. (Save R950.00)

     Book a Fotona Skin Rejuvenation face and   neck and receive chest for free. 
     (Save R1200.00)

     Book a Fotona  4D non-surgigal facelift   treatment and receive a Liplase  treatment for free. (Save R1250.00)


     50% Off on all Laser Hair Removal   Treatments on Wednesdays.




    Specials at our newly renovated Nail Lounge in Stellenbosch (Inquire in-clinic).