Laser Treatment for Rosacea
Rosacea is a problem that generally develops over a period of time with flushing and redness of the cheeks. It is a relapsing condition, which means there are periods when symptoms are particularly bad, but less severe than others. Sometimes there is a familial element and sometimes clients will be aware of particular triggers for example alcohol or spicy foods as well as others. Rosacea has a complex aetiology and its cause is multifactorial. Standard treatments from medication to topical treatments are generally not that helpful in reducing the effects of rosacea. Laser treatment for rosacea can however make a dramatic difference to people who suffer with this problem.
Our laser treatment for rosacea works on a number of different levels addressing the multifactorial origins of rosacea.
There is an immediate shrinking the capillaries which provides an instant cosmetic result. Laser light is readily absorbed by the haemoglobin in red blood cells which breaks them down allowing the collapsing of the superficial capillaries. The laser then addresses the spots/ bumps/boils and uneven skin associated with rosacea and reduces this followed by treating the background redness and pigmentation.