Laser Hair Removal Treatments


Laser hair removal offers a long-term solution for unwanted hair for both men and women.

It is a cost effective solution as it can permanently reduce excess and unwanted hair on the face, legs, underarms, back, bikini line and other areas.


The powerful penetration of the Fotona laser ensures it can target even the deepest hair follicles, while its low absorption in all skin types makes sure the surrounding tissue is undamaged. This means this laser treatment is safe, more comfortable and more effective, even in darker skin types, often requiring less sessions than traditional hair removal lasers. Any area is suitable for treatment. You will be advised on this at your consultation.

The laser light is absorbed by the pigment in the hair. Because hair grows in cycles and hair has different pigment content at different parts of the cycle the same area will need several treatments to catch all the hairs at different growth phases to give maximum clearance of hairs. A minimum of 6 sessions is required.

During treatment you will be aware of a hot pricking sensation, this is well tolerated by clients.

Expected Results

An ideal client for hair removal is someone with dark hair and fair skin.

*Please be aware that a small percentage of people do not respond to laser hair removal.

Before & After

Treatment Summary


Depends on the area, a minimum of eight sessions required

Duration of Treatment

The time taken for the procedure depends on the area that needs treating, the larger the area the longer it will take. From 20 mins to 120 mins.


No Down Time

Treatment Interval

4 week intervals, 8 - 12 sessions required. Some clients may need to return for a maintenance treatment – perhaps once per year.

Pre-Treatment Advice

Requires shaving the area prior to your appointment. A shaving fee of R100 will apply if area is not shaved

Post-Treatment Advice

To be advised at appointment.